Transcend Awards is an Awarding Organisation regulated by Ofqual. They are an awarding organisation partner with CIMSPA. They have recognised INSPIRATUS Training Ltd to conduct RPL Assessment for the Transcend Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training.
Dorset, UK
If you are unable to provide sufficient evidence to cover Unit 8 (i.e. being self employed / have a business) you will be required to complete Unit 8 for additional assessment. Please contact if you have any queries.
To commence the RPL process please make sure that you are eligible. If you have a comparable or higher-level qualification AND current industry experience and you can evidence this in your mapping activities, then you are eligible. The fee for the RPL process is £180. This pays for your registration onto the qualification, RPL Assessment and the moderation procedures. If you require the additional Unit 8 assessment, payment will be £240.
If you wish to proceed, you can use the secure STRIPE payment link (please use the same email address that we have responded to):
£180 -
£240 -
Alternatively, we can facilitate BACs payments upon request to,uk
The fees are NON-RETURNABLE and in making the payment you are automatically agreeing to comply with the Learning Contract outlined on page 4 of the RPL Mapping Report.
Having made the payment, PLEASE email who will send you a personalised link to submit your RPL Mapping Report and all evidence. If you require additional assessments due to failure to submit enough or inaccurate evidence, you will be charged for additional assessments as outlined:
Upon receipt of RPL Mapping Report and supporting evidence INSPIRATUS will conduct the RPL Assessment as your recognised centre. Outcomes will be subject to internal moderation. The assessment and internal moderation processes can take up to 2 calendar months.
Upon completion, one of the following outcomes will be confirmed:
Outcome 1: Qualification Achieved. INSPIRATUS will submit results to Transcend as the Awarding Organisation. External moderation will be completed by the Transcend and results or eCertificates will be released. External quality assurance and certification can take up to 2 calendar months.
Outcome 2: Qualification Part Achieved. INSPIRATUS will notify you via email to confirm that your RPL mapping and portfolio of evidence has met more than 50% but less than 100% of the qualification criteria. You will be asked to complete a programme of learning and assessment for the criteria which you have not met. You will be charged at £60 per qualification unit where there are outstanding gaps. In the event that a practical observation is required in the live personal training environment with a real client this will be charged at £300 per observation plus travel fees for the assessor. Upon successful completion of the re-assessment all evidence will be submitted for internal moderation before confirmation of results. INSPIRATUS will submit results to Transcend as the Awarding Organisation. External moderation will be completed by Transcend and results or eCertificates will be released. External quality assurance and certification can take up to 2 calendar months.
Outcome 3: Qualification Not Achieved. INSPIRATUS will notify you via email to confirm that you have not been successful. We will recommend that you attend a full programme of learning and assessment to complete the qualification.